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The Wand
Menasha, WI

A patient in a dental chair recieving dental services with the Wand at Mid Valley Dental in Menasha, WIAnesthesia is an important tool in dentistry. It allows us to perform a wide variety of different procedures in a safe, effective manner while you remain comfortable and do not feel any pain. However, to receive a local anesthetic, it needs to be injected into your mouth. For patients with a phobia of needles, this can be a frightening prospect. At Mid Valley Dental, we can help you to get the anesthesia you need for your procedures with new dental technology called the Wand.

What is the Wand?

The Wand is a state of the art technology used to administer local anesthesia. It is a computer-assisted system that guides us to perform dental injections. The Wand looks like a small pen with a cord attached to a base. At the very tip of the wand is a needle that is used to deliver your anesthesia. It uses Dynamic Pressure Sensing, or DPS, a patented technology that enables virtually painless anesthesia and ensures that optimal needle positioning is maintained at all times. Flow rates of anesthesia, as well as the pressure, are computer regulated and has three flow rates that are tailored for each type of injection.

How Does the Wand Work?

With the Wand, anesthesia is administered through the pen like handpiece, rather than a traditional syringe. Before the actual insertion of the needle, the computer that the Wand is attached to applies a small amount of topical anesthetic. This numbs the injection site so that you do not feel the needle being inserted into the skin.

After inserting the needle, the computer delivers the right amount of anesthesia to ensure your comfort during your procedure. A microprocessor inside of the computer adjusts injection pressure automatically depending upon the density of your tissues so that the anesthesia can be injected consistently, rather than too quickly.

Benefits of the Wand

The Wand provides many benefits. These include:
•  Greater comfort. The Wand applies a topical anesthetic before inserting the needle to reduce injection pain.
•  Consistent flow of anesthesia. The speed at which your anesthesia is administered is controlled, preventing it from being injected too quickly.
•  Elimination of collateral numbness. Only the areas to be treated are numbed, rather than the treatment area and those areas surrounding it. You can go straight back to work or school without having to deal with a completely numb jaw or face.
•  The ability to be used in conjunction with other forms of conscious sedation, such as nitrous oxide.
•  Reduced patient anxiety. The Wand looks less threatening and can help to reduce anxiety or fear about having an anesthetic injected.
•  Greater patient satisfaction.

The Wand also provides us with a few benefits as well:
•  The pen-like grasp and lightweight feel make the Wand easier to handle and rotate. We are even able to more easily reach harder to access areas.
•  We can more easily glide the needle into your tissue.
•  With a more rapid onset of anesthesia, we can start your procedure more quickly.

With the Wand, we can provide you with the anesthesia you need in a safe, comfortable manner. For more information, call Mid Valley Dental at (920) 215-4160 today.

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The Wand - Mid Valley Dental, S.C. - Dentist Menasha, WI
At Mid Valley Dental, we can help you to get the anesthesia you need for your procedures with new technology called the Wand. For more information about the Wand, call us today!
Mid Valley Dental, SC, 903 E. Airport Road, Menasha, WI 54952 - (920) 215-4160 - - 1/19/2025 - Related Terms: dentist Menasha WI -